Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Taking short cuts gets you nowhere in the end

I just read an article on how Snooki from 'Jersey Shore' lost weight. I know i know, its 5 minutes of my life ill never get back but anyway i digress...
So apparently the pint sized star (famous for doing nothing, you know, the Paris Hilton and kim kardashian syndrome as i like to refer to it) has thanked a diet pill for reducing her in size by 7kgs. I guess if your not prepared to 'do' anything in particular to make your way in life - why would eating healthy or exercising be any different?
It really does bring new meaning to the word lazy.
Oh and by the way, nothing in life is free - that includes weight loss. You HAVE to change your lifestyle habits in order to make long term changes.
You may have detected an air of negativity in my above statements - yes, this whole thing bothers me so much and heres why. As a nutritionist when i see a client, im trying to educate them on food and lifestyle changes from a physiologically standpoint. I think to some degree, people are really hoping im going to suggest some wonderful magic pill and tell them that it's going to be easy and they dont have to change anything their currently doing. And I blame people like Snooki for this. Trust me, as someone who has competed in bodybuilding, and done upwards and onwards of 4hrs of exercise a day and eaten only chicken and brocolli for 15 weeks straight to get there - dont you think if i had a magic pill i would have used the damn thing???
Losing weight, getting fit, staying healthy, getting ripped - its hard work, but its worth it. Have you ever recieved a wonderful gift as opposed to buying yourself that gift with your hard earned money? Doesnt it always feel a little sweeter when you have bought it? Sure getting stuff for free or as gifts is wonderful - but it doesnt compare to the satisfaction of knowing you have worked your butt off to get it.
I relate this to losing weight. If you cheat yourself by using diet pills or starving yourself into being skinny, the satisfaction is very short lived im sure. Oh sure you fit into those skinny jeans - until your so hungry that you start to binge eat or you run out of diet pills and you finally get your hunger back and then you have no education around what foods you should be eating...
Dont cheat yourself - invest in your health. yes it will take more time but boy oh boy will it be worth it.
Til next time xx

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