Thursday, April 7, 2011

Its that time of year again...

Well it has been a very long time between blogs! The last time i blogged i was telling you all about my result at the INBA All Female Competition in July last year. Oh my how time flies.
So what has been happening since then...well of course I have caught the 'bug' and have decided to focus my energy on competing again this year.
Last year i had the pleasure of working with Glenn and Corina from ASN and as my coaches and friends - they rocked. They were so dedicated to getting me where i needed to be to step up on stage. I will be forever grateful. They taught me that consistency and hard work does pay off. Yes people - its true. Dont talk to me about not getting results if you're not training hard, training consistently and eating clean.
So post comp came the blues and the inevitable weight gain. On stage i was a tiny 48kgs. Weight gain? Yes, it had to happen. I was wandering around looking like i would be blown over with the slightest gush of wind. One of my staff (you know who you are..!) commented to me the other day that when i was 1 or 2 weeks out from comp he came into the studio and wondered who the jockey was. Hmmm, the jockey, as it turns out, was me.
I also suffered a lot of illness post comp, no doubt due to the riggers of getting into comp shape. It appears I suffer from adrenal fatigue and so this has been tricky to balance, as someone who wants to continue to train hard, whether im competing or not. The idea was to start prepping in january to do some early comps, but my body wasn't having a bar of it. I was fatigued, i hated the idea of training, and frankly i wanted to eat. Everything.
So as it turned out my wonderful coaches were changing the direction of their own lives and now Corina has moved back to sydney and Glenn has opened his own supplement store in Geelong called 'Athletes With Attitude' or AWA. Im still great mates with them both and miss them dearly...
The hunt then, was on for a new coach. This would prove trickier than first thought. After a couple of speed bumps I found the most amazing coach anyone could ask for. Rosa-Maria Romero is the highest ranked figure competitor in Australia currently and although she has now retired from competing, she coaches girls to the stage. Perfect!
Rosa takes a very different approach than what im used to - and as she said to me the other day, change is good. I agree, change IS good.
I am currently aiming for All Females again in July, however realisticially my first comp may well be in september. Either way, i know im in good hands to build the best physique possible.
Now people please be sensitive to the stages of building an amazing stage physique. I will get bigger before i get smaller. Its all part of building amazing muscle. Yes yes i know chunky monkey comes to mind, but if it comes to YOUR mind - dont let ME know. Some things are best kept quiet...!
So other than not being able to walk straight from all the legs i have done this week, things are going well. I am approximately 17 weeks out from July comps and 23 weeks out from sept comps... lets hope i start building some more amazing muscle.
Til next blog train hard and eat clean xx

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