Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You ate what?!

I have come to a rather amusing, yet somewhat frustrating conclusion. As soon as I start comp prep, everyone (and i mean everyone) wants to tell me what they ate that day.
Really people? Thank you for telling me you had the most delicious apple pie and dumplings for dinner last night. And by the way, it doesnt make anything better by then having you ask me what I ate last night...ummm my meals dont change. Ever. Well - I lie - they get smaller and less interesting.
Yesterday I counted. 5 people told me what delicious meal they had consumed. Im not being overly sensitive either - its really happening!
It got me thinking - why does this happen? I know its not out of trying to torture me (well not for everyone anyway!) i think its a subconcious decision by that person to want to share that food with me.
But heres a little secret...i choose to be a figure competitor. Im not tortured on a daily basis by the fact I cant eat chocolate or icecream or even an apple. Occasionaly, and often closer to comp date, yes i feel the sting of not being able to feed myself. But generally I have a goal in mind and nothing bothers me and nothing can get in my way. What I have found is that it bothers OTHERS.
Heres an example. Recently we went to dinner for a staff members birthday. It was a great evening. I tried to order my salmon, which they wouldnt do (what restaurant doesnt do salmon??) anyway i opted for their fish of the day that arrived on a mountain of potato wedges. I literally had to 'fish' through my fish to find meat in amoungst the offending potato.
Then I turned to the waitress and asked for green beans - with NOTHING on them. She looked at me like I had just suggested giving her a chinese burn and repeated me with confusion..."nothing??". I nodded, 'yes please, nothing'. Her reply... "nothing at all?". Sigh. "yes nothing. At all. Plain. Green beans with nothing...thanku'. As she turned away, clearly offended by my need to have un seasoned beans, i noticed Michael next to me, killing himself with giggles. He's used to this stupid dance with waiters i have to go through.
This is what bodybuilders and figure competitors go through - and this is why we tend to opt out of social dinners - its just too hard!
So as i sit down to my salmon and beans tonight, i hope you enjoy whatever meal it is your having. Just do me a favour...dont tell me all about it tomorrow!
Til next time...xx

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