Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ummm do you eat chocolate at Easter?

This seems to be my most asked question at this time of year. I can see why it would be intriguing - its Easter, doesn't everyone eat chocolate at Easter time? I can almost hear the mass gasps of shock as i describe my last Easter festivities. Ok for those of you that didnt follow my last blog of prepping, let me indulge you in the horrors.
This time last year I was well and truly into prep for July competitions. As it happened my coaches thought it would be a good time for me to do a trial water load and deplete. A water load and deplete is simply a manipulation of food and water to rid your body of excess fluid so that your skin becomes tight and your muscles look, well bigger.
For 5 days straight I ate sweet potato and chicken. After the 3rd day i gave up trying to peel the sweet potato into interesting shapes or position the food on my plate to make it look more palatable. I felt bad for Michael too, who, on day 4 decided to escape the 'mad house' and left quickly only to return 3 hrs later smelling of pub food and looking decidly sheepish.
That was my Easter 2010. No chocolate, no hot cross buns, no Easter sunday lunch - just a well entrenched gag response to orange vegetables and boiled bird.
So this year things are a little different. I have been given a re-feed day by my coach on Sunday (thanks Kate and Ren for hosting Easter lunch!)and although its designed to be a calorie increase through clean foods like potatoes and pasta - i am people, giving myself a chocolate hall pass. So in answer to my blog title. Yes, i will be eating chocolate this Easter.
Prep is going well. Im 3 weeks down and building the muscle i need to be competitive this year. My food intake is still high, which is what i need to get through my punishing weight sessions and overall i feel good. Theres the occasional day I feel a bit wiped but its nothing in comparison to whats to come - so i try to ignore it.
Tomorrow, is weigh in day. When i say weigh in, i really mean body fat percentage and girths - weight, well, scale weight = pretty irrelevant when your building muscle (girls take note). At present I am 19% body fat and come July or september, i need to be between 8 and 10%. My main concern at present is to retain and build muscle and body fat reduction is purely a bonus. I will be posting progression picks in weeks to come so watch this space...
Happy Easter everyone. Enjoy your time off and remember to balance out the chocolate with some exercise...and no, lifting the chocolate to your mouth does not count. xx

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