Sunday, May 1, 2011

Whats your motivation?

I got to thinking over the weekend...what motivates me to compete? I get asked this question a lot. Not so much what motivates me but more like "why the hell would you want to do that?" ...But you get where im going with this.
I think in order to want to compete you have to have lots of incentive, forget willpower...its the motivation towards a particular goal that drives us to say no to that piece of chocolate. I dont beleive in will power. You either WANT something or you dont. Its really that simple.
For me, the motivation to compete comes from wanting to be the best I can be. I want to be extraordinary. Ive never followed the pack - why start now? So you might be thinking, oh she wants to be better than everyone else - well no, thats not it at all. For me, im not happy at my average self. Ive pushed my body to its limits - and i loved every minute of it. Im amazed every day at what i can get this 32 yr old body to do. Im motivated by the desire to be my very best, and for me, my very best is standing on stage in peak physical condition.
Ok so this isnt your goal or your desire? Doesnt matter. What DOES matter is the desire to be the best you, you can be.
I get a lot of girls saying to me, 'Oh i could never do what you do. I love food too much'...what and i dont? Trust me, i love my food as much as the next person. My desire to go beyond short term satisfaction of a meal in exchange for peak physical performance is more important when im training to compete. What you are really saying to me when you say i could never do that, is actually, that you dont want to do that - its not your goal - its not your desire. And thats fine...but find out what is before its too late to do anything about it...
Im more than human, my motivation wanes. And then i turn to inspiration to motivate me forwards. I look to other competitors who are plugging away, just like me, to get to the stage.
Im inspired by normal people achieveing amazing things. Simple things inspire me on a daily basis. Clients that come in and tell me they had a horrible day at work, they got no sleep the night before and have a raging headache - but have decided to train regardless of all these hurdles. Now thats inspiring - because you could have just gone home, but you chose not to. Clients that smash out personal bests on the rower, or Tom's crazy cross fit workouts - also inspire me. People that are losing weight following one of my programs, really inspire me. I could go on, but my point is this. Find out what YOUR motivation is and then go for it - don't let anything hold you back...ever.
Last week was an awesome week training wise for me. I felt strong and powerful and in control. I feel the same this week, possibly more so. Im embracing this comp prep because i know the changes to my body are going to be amazing - im excited for my future in this sport.
My cardio has been increased this week also. So now im doing 1hr per day as well as weights, and on sundays im doing an outside hardcore plyometrics workout on top of this which i love. My food has not changed much, slowly my macros are going down but at this stage im still on a good amount of food. Im dropping fat, my body fat % is dropping, and im sitting close to 18% at present. My weight has not changed much so thats good news, it means im retaining muscle. I have 2 weeks on this program with no changes and then its up to my coach to see how im going.
So thats it people, i hope you all are training to your maximum potential and feeding your body with fresh wonderful food - remember, look after your body, its the only one youve got.

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