Saturday, May 28, 2011

When to fight and when to back down...

Well I never said that comp prep was easy - did I? Things had been going pretty well and then a couple of weeks ago, i felt my mind starting to shut down, followed closely by my body. I couldn't figure out why, since i was starting to come in well (thats code for losing fat people..heheh!) i was starting to feel a little laclustre about my training.
Seems that it was because, although I thought i was losing my mind, it was actually my body trying desperately to fight off an infection.
Im sure a lot of youo are thinking to yourselves, well why if you were feeling a bit off didnt you just give yourself some time off from the gym and a bit of a rest? Its a good and very valid question, but heres why. When your in comp prep, it is very difficult to ascertain when you are feeling unwell, and when you are feeling like, well, you're in comp prep! Both have pretty similar symptoms some know fatigued, over it, sore etc etc.
So on Wednesday, I was done. I felt like crap, i was feverish and i was craving fruit and cereal like a possessed woman. I emailed Rosa my coach and told her what was going on. I fully expected her to tell me to harden up and get on with things, however her message was short and clear. Stop. Stop the dieting. Stop the training. rest. Get better. DO NOT diet or step into the gym for 2 weeks...ummmm say what Rosa??? I found myself staring at the computer screen in shock. Shit - i shouldnt have told her i was unwell. Then the tears. What was I going to do for the next nearly 2 weeks?? I thrive on structure, i LIKE dieting - not always, but for what it produces, i love it. I LOVE training. I was freaking out.
I rang Michael...ever the drama queen, i told him to brace himslef. As I screeched into the phone my news from Rosa - i could almost hear Michael smile. Michael had been trying to tell me to have a couple of days rest, im still a long way out from my first comp and im doing well - 2 days wasnt going to hurt. Now it had turned into 2 weeks... I was annoyed, angry and scared. Scared that this was going to throw me off track completely.
I let myself sit with this news for a good 24hrs before i replied to my coach. I was in bargaining mode. What did she think about giving it until monday and then i would see how i was feeling? She made it clear Tuesday was acceptable to her - as long as i was 100%.
So here I am feeling a little out of sorts. No weights, no treadmill, no diet. Oh but what i DO have is a chest infection, a headache and a runny nose. yaaaa. Thats sarcasm for those of you wondering.
Im ok with it now though - no point trying to fight it. My body is really sick, and I need to give in so that it can get better and work with me for the next 16 weeks until my first comp. Im on antibiotics so fingers crossed ill be right to go in a few days...
This has been a big lesson for me. I need to be far more in tune with my body. It has been trying to tell me something and I havent been listening. this goes for all of you out there also - listen to your body, learn fromm it, so it can produce the results you want.
On that note, im off to bed xx

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