Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Water logged

Well I am finally nearly over this pesky chest infection. For all those of you that have been asking after me and sending me messages - thankyou! Its been a long week, in fact it has felt like 4 weeks! The time has been ticking away ever so slowly as i laid in bed feeling sorry for myself and keeping my poor husband up at night with my coughing.
Actually one morning i wandered upstairs to find Michael crashed out on the couch. I have no idea how long he had been there - i wondered what un godly time in the morning he had moved himself upstairs onto the couch instead of smothering me to death with my own pillow. Poor guy - he had obviously had zilch sleep because as i quizzed him over the sleeping on the couch - he looked just as confused and dazed as i was responding 'on the couch?' looking at himself curled up in a ball, and muttering something about 'not sure' and 'i dunno'. Its been a long week.
Enough said.
So here I am puffy and water logged, runny nose and chesty cough and i feel soooo much better than i have in days! I have been drinking water like it might dry up at any given moment, and as a result - i can hear the ocean when i move. Hmmm nice huh?
It is true though - drinking water is so important when your unwell. It just flushes everything out. But the result is often that you look more puffy for a little while until it filters through. Ahhhh who am i kidding? The puffiness is also from the huge quantities of sugar I have been ingesting.
Ok before you panic (trust me, i beat you to it) it has not just been refined sugar. Actually it has mainly been natural sugar from fruits. However people - this reacts the same way in your system if you have enough of it. The result is quite simply, weight gain.
I made myself a promise to give my body whatever it craved this last week. So i have been eating apples, dates, almonds (ok so it was the coles tiramisu flavoured ones, so sue me), cereal, milk, yoghurt and wholegrain bread with peanut butter. These are foods I would never normally touch. Why u ask? Cos they make me fat. But there are certain things in each of these foods that my body has needed and required to heal. It has been hard to relinquish control and just go with it, but that being said, i start my prep on Monday.
Monday is the day I jump back into my comp prep. Its going to be hard. Its like starting from scratch, not an easy thought to get my head around. But i have big goals i want to achieve this year and they all require i look and feel my best. With this in mind, it makes my prep alot easier.
Since being at home and unwell, it has given me a great opportunity to get a lot of work done on my new business venture. Im really excited about it and all will b e revealed in time...
So expect to see me back and training as of monday, maybe with a little less intensity to begin with but hey it will be a start.
Til next time
Train hard, keep focused and eat clean

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