Friday, June 24, 2011

Its go time

I have been a bad blogger...normally I like to blog once a week or more and it just hasn't been happening *sigh*. I will attempt to be a better blogger from here on in.
So what has been happening? Well, I finally found my mojo. It appears it had taken a much needed holiday to Torquay and had forgotten to let me know. Ok let me explain...
Last year when i was prepping for comp, i was in the zone. I was focused, i was mentally strong - nothing was going to get in my way of stepping up on stage. You could literally (and Michael often did) sit in front of me and eat a burger and a chocolate bar and I would not even think of cheating. This prep though has been completely overwhelming, stressful and emotionally draining. I have been sick, unmotivated, uninspired and generally not really wanting to compete. I thought I was going crazy, and I was getting really down about it. I was waiting for it all to click and it just wasnt...
Over the weekend Michael and I took a much needed break to our favourite place on earth - Toruay. It was also going to be an opportunity for us to catch up with my old coach Glenn who has recently moved to geelong and opened up his own supplement store 'Athletes with Attitude'. We wandered in to Glenns store, he took one look at me and said - whats going on with your prep? Ahhhh yes prep...
Glenn instantly saw my lack of fire and wanted to know why after I had achieved so much with my last prep with him, i was unable to do the same this time around.
Over lunch Glenn made me an offer i couldnt refuse. He offered to coach me - once again for free - because of one simple reason. He believes in me.
Its been obvious that my new coach just hasnt offered me the support i have needed to move forward in this sport. So as of Tuesday i have once again been under the reigns of my old coach - and loving it.
My passion for the sport is back, my desire to succeed is back and now i have 13 weeks to bring my body in for late sept comps. Bring it.
This whole thing has taught me a lot about this sport. You dont need the perfect program or the perfect coach on paper - you need to be INSPIRED by your coach and surround yourself with others who have a passion for bodybuilding. Glenn oozes bodybuilding, he lives and breathes it. He instills that very same desire in myself - he wants success for me as badly as i want it for myself.
Im finally excited about comp season, and Im even booked in next week to see helen my bikini lady to splurge on a new stage bikini with lots of bling!
So what does this next stage mean for me? Well this is go time, this is when you will start to see me lean out and be able to show all the muscle i have been working so hard to get. I will be upping the anti in terms of cardio and my food becomes blander. This is, despite how it sounds, the best part of prep. This is where you start to see all the hard work pay off.
On that note im off to eat my rice, chicken and avocado YUM! (and i genuinely mean that!)
Til next time xx

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