Monday, July 4, 2011

Bikinis and stripper heels...yes this is a sport

So the days are ticking over in my comp prep - in a good way. Things have finally clicked into place for me and im in that zone where i dont have to think about it - i just DO it. This, people, makes prep a breeze. The mental challenge with prep is trying to convince yourself, sometimes on an hourly basis, that you can keep going and you want to keep prepping. When things finally click into place mentally, its just easier.
So im about 11 weeks out to my first show in canberra and about 12 weeks out to my other comps on the central coast, sydney and melbourne. So we all know what that means...its bikini time!!!!
This is the equivalent to going wedding dress shopping - no, im not joking. So much thought and effort has to go into the stage bikini, because it can make you or break you. A bad colour or fit can make all those months of prepping a waste of time and effort. A good bikini can make the difference to placing in the competition. So this year im opting to go with the legendary Jo Rogers. Jo has been making bikinis for competitors for ever, and knows how a bikini should fit. Last year i opted for a fairly neutral bikini, bronze and gold colours. This year im going for something with a lot more dazzle and bling. But of course - you will have to wait to come see me, or photos for the big reveal! But let me say this - its GORGEOUS!
Im starting to feel a little fatigued this week, although im still trying to build my legs, im also in the process of dropping macros and calories, so the body has to work harder on less food.
Im starting to see the fruits of my labour...finally. Im in a much better position this far out than i was last year, so i should bring a much better physique to the stage this year - thats all i can hope for.
All my measurements are coming down and fat percentage is also steadily dropping. My posing is also getting much better, and im hitting some of the poses now with very little effort - win! To get on stage and be able to hit poses quickly and effortlessly is half the battle.
All in all, everything has dropped into place and im feeling strong and happy. I owe alot of this to my coach Glenn... he keeps me focused and calm, something a good coach should do at all times through prep.
Went to the INBA All females on saturday night - wow what an inspiration. Last year i was on stage not knowing what the hell i was doing! Now i can look at it from another perspective and see the areas i need to work on. All the girls looked amazing and there all winners just for getting up on stage. It has inspired me to do better still and I cant wait to step up on that stage again.
Ok im off to eat so keeping training hard and eating clean xx

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