Tuesday, July 19, 2011

60 days...not that im counting or anything..

Yes so we start the descent...thank god. Im not goning to lie - this prep has been a biatch with PMS and a bad attitude. Let me explain. Since i competed last July in the INBA, I have wanted to compete again. I was really bummed that i never got around to competing in october last year - hey i was too busy eating.
My prep last year was tough, i had to try and build muscle, that i didnt have, and then try and trim all the fat, which i had a lot of, in 15 short weeks. It was a slow form of torture at times. At 15 weeks out i STARTED on 2 hours of cardio a day with weights chucked in!! I built up to 3 hours very quickly, and so my day consisted of 4hrs of workouts. So by the time i competed in July, the thought of having to maintain my physique for another 8-12 weeks for sept/oct comps had me convulsing. All i wanted to do was stay away from the gym, eat and socialise - something i hadnt done for 4 months.
I vowed then, that I would compete in the start of the year comps for 2011. Xmas came and went, new years came and went, and everytime i thought of having to cook up a batch of brocolli, chicken and sweet potato, i became panic stricken and ill at the thought - not a good sign. It just so happened too that my coaches were moving out of the area - and everything just felt off. So fast forward to April and i felt things coming together a bit more. I actually felt like prepping agaain and so i went in search of uber coach extrodinaire. Mega fail. Sometimes this industry can be chock full of egotistical d!ck wads - and boy of boy did i meet a couple in my search for the perfect coach.
I finally found Rosa, who in the end turned out to be a complete flop for me. A coach is supposed to be supportive, motivating and inspiring. I found myself completly unsupported and unmotivated, which is when Glenn (my uber coach) came back into the picture and put me back on track.
Long story short - i feel like i have been treading water with this prep for so long. I have been prepping for AGES, with little results because the fit wasnt right. Now with 8 weeks until the Canberra State Titles im pleased to say for the last 5 or so weeks i have been on fire with my prep and im finally seeing results.
My weight is slowly dropping, my body fat is really dropping now and im starting to feel lean and very much in control.
I was really tired last week, and i just feel amazing this week and am still pumping out the same weights as last week. Win! This means that whilst i still need to get super lean with any prep, maybe i will look more muscular this time round, i really hope so. I also havent had to do any more cardio than my 45 mins before breakfast and 30 mins in the afternoon (walking home from work usually knocks that on its head anyway). This may seem like a lot to some of you out there - trust me, this is a walk in the park!
So the 60 day count down is on and i intend to give it my all.
This weekend marks my 33rd birthday. Argghhh bummer. I hate getting older, and usually it means bday cake...Glenn thought i was kidding when i asked if it was still ok to have a bday cake. What? So sue me for asking.
Anyway, Michael is taking me out to a 'Glenn approved' restaurant that will do plain steak and green beans for me. Yaaaaa. Yep, thats sarcasm people. I will be indulging inn a little something, maybe a sliver of cake or share a dessert with Mick, and only because i have had a good drop this week in weight and body fat. Its all about balance.
So there you have it, my prep is on the downhill run and im excited to see the results that have already started to come. Bring on Sept 18th!
Til next time...xx

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