Monday, May 16, 2011

Mini meltdowns, Canberra and stuff

Apologies for the delay in the delivery of my latest blog...ive been far too busy having meltdowns to be writing blogs... oh i jest i jest, it hasn't been that bad.
Ok so I had a bad week last week. I felt flat physically and unfortunately that always transpires into mental weakness for me. I never stray off plan but i am a slave to negative self talk and often doubt.
Ask any athlete, any figure competitor and i challenge you to find one of them that says this doesnt happen to them. It's common, because in order to get where we want to be, you have to push yourself and that's not always easy. Its also difficult at times because especially in my sport, its all about how you look - not necessarily how you perform. Sometimes I lose all perspective on how I look. Last week I lost perspective.
I was frustrated, annoyed at the snails pace progress. Angry at my body for not getting it's shit together. Getting the picture? Not pretty.
So i had my hissy fit, and reluctantly sent my progress pics and stats to my coach Rosa. Within a couple of hours, Rosa had emailed back just how pleased she was at my progress and that I was more than on track... ahhhh thank god for coaches.
She also changed my program around, changed my food and my workouts. The monotony of the same food and same workouts for 6 weeks was starting to take its toll. But people, when the trainers here talk about consistency - its for a reason. It breeds results.
So now although im on slightly less food and calories, it's at least different variations of what I have been having. My food now also involves plain rice cakes which I adore - call me crazy!
I went off to Canberra on saturday to visit my best friend, lovingly referred to as 'Katie Bubble' due to the fact that she lives in her own little happy bubble and never ceases to make me smile. It was going to be a challenge for me, because when KT and i are together - we like to eat. Mainly chocolate....oh dear...
My coach had given me some scope to have a cheat meal and a dessert - i took her up on that! I had a great weekend, the highlight being when KT asked me, as I was preparing snow peas and salmon for our dinner, if when snow peas are cooked - do they shrink in size...ummm no KT they don't. Gold.
So today I started my new program. Its operation lean down legs! I have built good muscle so now its time to get rid of the fat. My sessions involve lighter weights on my legs but very high repittions - up to 50 reps in some cases. Im excited, i feel great this week and im looking forward to some good progress. Im currently sitting somewhere between 17-18% body fat. I have 18 weeks to get rid of 8 of those. Completely achievable.
Oh and watch this space for some very exciting news regarding my nutrition business. Its something I have been working very hard on in the wings and it will be time to unveil very very soon...
Til then...well u know the drill!

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