Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I can't be held responsible for my behaviour.

So yesterday was just one of those days. You know what I'm talking about people - those days that feel like they are never going to end and everything seems to go, well pear shaped. Its days like this, whilst comp prepping, that you wonder how you (or the people around you) make it out alive. Its these days that I am thankful Michael is so supportive of the Sport I have chosen - because if he wasn't he would be far far away by now of his OWN volition.
I tend to split my days into 2, this is especially useful whilst comp prepping. I come into the studio in the morning, do my workout and stay until 1pm when i go home and eat, and then head back in around 3pm to do the evening shift. So yesterday I headed home to have my chicken and sweet potato - I was starving, and im not going to lie, a tad irritable. Within 5 minutes of stepping into our house, the power went out.
Now, i have a small window of opportunity to eat - my timimgs need to be spot on or it throws out the rest of my day eating wise (yes yes welcome to the nutty world of body building). So after a frantic 20 minutes of attempting to get a hold of Michael, with no luck, i found myself sitting on the couch feeling very sad and sorry for myself. Oh sure I could have had my chicken and sweet potato cold, but when you have fairly bland meals every day, the one excitement is the fact that its, well, hot.
I finally got in touch with Michael and found myself, quite literally, wailing on the phone that I couldnt eat and I was just going to eat 'whatever' i could find...the next thing i knew Michael was home, unplugging the microwave and carrying it down into the garage where he promptly plugged it in and voila - power!
It seemed the electricity company had sent our last bill to someone other than us - and surprise surprise they didnt pay it. So the power of our shared neighbours garage was still on...and that is the story of how Michael saves the day.
This whole time as I was freaking out it occured to me just how calm Michael stayed. He has seen this behaviour over food timings before...poor guy. We have left social outings early so i can get my food in, sometimes we have skipped the outing all together because the 4 hrs of exercise i need to fit in, wont happen if we go out.
It is at this point you're probably asking yourself why the hell would anyone want to compete? It's so all consuming, annoyingly cumbersome and anti social...there are days I ask myself the same question. yesterday was one of those days. These hiccups, these little roadblocks are what make the final step of standing up on stage so worth while - because the process is so darn hard it makes the end point rather momentous.
I'm not that far into my prep, only 4 weeks, many more weeks to go, and it just gets more challenging. Yesterday it wasn't fun. Today I'm fine. Tomorrow - who knows?

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