Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Taking short cuts gets you nowhere in the end

I just read an article on how Snooki from 'Jersey Shore' lost weight. I know i know, its 5 minutes of my life ill never get back but anyway i digress...
So apparently the pint sized star (famous for doing nothing, you know, the Paris Hilton and kim kardashian syndrome as i like to refer to it) has thanked a diet pill for reducing her in size by 7kgs. I guess if your not prepared to 'do' anything in particular to make your way in life - why would eating healthy or exercising be any different?
It really does bring new meaning to the word lazy.
Oh and by the way, nothing in life is free - that includes weight loss. You HAVE to change your lifestyle habits in order to make long term changes.
You may have detected an air of negativity in my above statements - yes, this whole thing bothers me so much and heres why. As a nutritionist when i see a client, im trying to educate them on food and lifestyle changes from a physiologically standpoint. I think to some degree, people are really hoping im going to suggest some wonderful magic pill and tell them that it's going to be easy and they dont have to change anything their currently doing. And I blame people like Snooki for this. Trust me, as someone who has competed in bodybuilding, and done upwards and onwards of 4hrs of exercise a day and eaten only chicken and brocolli for 15 weeks straight to get there - dont you think if i had a magic pill i would have used the damn thing???
Losing weight, getting fit, staying healthy, getting ripped - its hard work, but its worth it. Have you ever recieved a wonderful gift as opposed to buying yourself that gift with your hard earned money? Doesnt it always feel a little sweeter when you have bought it? Sure getting stuff for free or as gifts is wonderful - but it doesnt compare to the satisfaction of knowing you have worked your butt off to get it.
I relate this to losing weight. If you cheat yourself by using diet pills or starving yourself into being skinny, the satisfaction is very short lived im sure. Oh sure you fit into those skinny jeans - until your so hungry that you start to binge eat or you run out of diet pills and you finally get your hunger back and then you have no education around what foods you should be eating...
Dont cheat yourself - invest in your health. yes it will take more time but boy oh boy will it be worth it.
Til next time xx

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sometimes life throws a curveball

Ok well I have debated about writing this post. Should I? Shouldn't I? But i feel its an important topic and one that women should not feel ashamed of, or guilty about.
So a few of you now know that Im officially NOT competing this year. 5 weeks ago I was struggling emotionally, more so than i was physically. I couldn't get my brain or my emotions to be in sync with what I wanted my body to do. It felt like an uphill battle, and one that i knew i was losing.
Why couldn't I get myself motivated to want to compete?? I had all the support in the world, my body was coming in and I had gained some good muscle. I just didnt feel...right. I was breaking down in front of my coach, i was feeling miserable, emotional highs and lows and generally felt like i was going insane.
What I didnt realise at the time was that I was in fact pregnant.
I wasn't listening to my body. It was trying to tell me to STOP. It was giving me all the warning signs, it had put up the white flag and i refused to listen or take notice. This is the biggest lesson i have learnt in my life thus far. If you push your body to extremes - it will eventually push back, and then there is nothing you can do.
So earlier in the week I woke up and i just knew - its weird, and some of you will know what im talking about, but i just 'felt' pregnant. I decided to take a pregnancy test and with huge excitment a faint positive appeared! Now some of you that know me very well, will know that in the many years my husband and i have been trying to fall pregnant, any pregnancy test i have taken has been so negative that not even an evapoation line would appear !! The exhiliration of seeing a line, albeit faint, was almost too much to bear. I knew i was very early to take a pregnancy test and some of you will know that your pregnancy hormone (HCG) increases daily as you progress in your pregnancy, so the pregnancy test positive line should get darker and darker. I drove michael and myself crazy, taking home pregnancy tests over and over again - just to make sure my eyes had not decieved me. But there is was again and again, a line...a perfect faint pink line...
On thursday evening i took what would be my 5th and final home pregnancy test. I felt sick to my stomache as i came out and showed michael the test. No line. The test was undeniably negative. I actually described it to my doctor as the pregnancy test giving me the finger. She laughed - but i was serious.
In the early hours of friday morning (without going into the details), i just knew i wasnt pregnant anymore. I woke and turned to michael and said 'i dont think im pregant anymore...'. I booked in to see my wonderful GP who after rushing through a blood test, confirmed at 5pm friday afternoon that i had miscarried at 5.5 weeks.
So after a few brief moments of grief, I am now extremelly excited for the future. I have been told for a very long time that due to my PCOS and Endometriosis that getting pregnant naturally would be very difficult - well i now know for certain that i can get pregnant. Happy days!
In writing this I really dont want any of you to feel sad for me and nor do i want sympathy. I want you to rejoice with me that i have extreme hope that one day i will have the family i desire.
As women, we should never feel that miscarriage is a taboo subject and we should not feel ashamed or guilty. A very large percentage of women will miscarry in their lifetime, and its just natures way of protecting us i feel.
So then where to from here? Well, for me, it has definantly put things in perspective and has put my priorities straight. No more comps for me. I need to get myself healthy and happy so that i can provide a wonderful environment for a child. Balance is the key, and its something i still struggle with, but something i need to get a handle on quickly. Maybe oneday after i have a child i will feel compelled to compete again, but for now - its not a consideration, and im ok with that.
If you take one thing away from this post i want it to be this. LISTEN to your body. Get in tune with yourself, nuture yourself. Its the only body you've got - look after it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kettlebell madness and Oscar the dog

Well I keep saying im going to be a better blogger -and then weeks go by and i haven't written a thing! Things are pretty much the same in terms of comp prep for me, im doing what i need to do - about 90% of the time! This is partly because i no longer feel the burning desire to compete like I did last year - if i get there i get there if not, oh well. Like I said in my last blog post, its all about balance for me, so in order to start enjoying my workouts again i invested in...a kettlebell!
Its my new found workout LOVE! It is honestly one of the best ways to get a full blown all over body workout that leaves you sweating and swearing at your PT (sorry mick...and Tom!). I have noticed massive improvements since using the kettlebell and easing off the heavy weights. The higer intensity training just suits my physique better and gets me faster results - with the added bonus of it being fun. I really needed for my workouts to be enjoyable again, because we all know if its not fun anymore, we are likely not to keep doing it. I have the 12kg kettlebell at the moment but im in the market to upgrade now to the 16kgs as i can now do a 12kg one arm kettlebell swing - sound easy? Well give it a go and get back to me...
So in other news I had a photoshoot on friday night with the very talented Ms Lisa Ray ( She needed a model to help her with some lighting for a big shoot she had the next day so i happily helped her out. It was great fun, Lisa is an amazing photographer and these images turned out gritty and alluring. I will post some once there ready...
On thursday night I met oscar. For those of you reading and dont know who Oscar is - well he is a stray dog that I rescued. The police had arrested 'Oscars' owner and had taken the owner away and left poor furry oscar tied to a pole in front of the Richmond Medical centre...go figure. The owner of the Richmond medical centre (who is a client at the studio) rang me and before i could stop myself i said 'sure ill come down and deal with him'....hmmm. So off i went and beautiful Oscar was such a beautiful staffy cross dog with a gorgeous personality and great manners (shook hands for food). I knew it would be hours before the Ranger came to collect him and at one point i thought we might need to take him home for the night, so thanks to Kate R's kindness (thanks hon!) off we went to Kates house up the road to...well bath him. You couldnt think up a funnier scene if you tried. Me, Kate and Oscar in gorgeous bathroom, bathing Oscar and...feeding him cheese slices. He was given his title whilst being dried (after kate asking if we should blow dry his fur..ummm no!) and Oscar seemed an appropriate name.
Whilst wandering back down to the studio we were informed by Mick that the Ranger was on her way and had been midly amused with the fact that strangers were bathing the dog up the road. So oscar was taken away and hopefully he is happy, warm and safe...
So there you have it, its been an interesting week.
Tomorrow im off to have a one on one session with Bio Signature Practitioner and Bodybuilding Coach Mark Ottbre. Mark and I have been friends since last July when he did my body fat testing on the day of my competition. Mark extended a hand to me after being concerned about my health due to my restrictive comp diet. My health has been woeful ever since last comp and so im off to see him to talk through some health issues and give me some ideas for my body and also for my clients in the future. Over the weekend we have been emailing info back and forth and im so fascinated to rack his brain over a tonne of nutritional stuff.
He is also an avid fan of functional and plyometrical workouts (which is similar to the kettlebell stuff i have been talking about)and not a fan of long steady state cardio - whichis what i did last comp prep. He also promises me that he can get my legs to lean down a lot faster and healthier than i could previously with a standard comp diet. This has been an ongoing issue for me - upper body i get very lean very quickly, and then it takes a lot to get my legs to come down. Anyway i will report back with how it goes, and i will also be attending a full day seminar with him in late sept which im also excited about.
Ok thats it people, keep your training consistent, your food clean and your smiles bright xx

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Your mind is your weapon

Your mind is your most powerful ally. It can be your biggest foe - if you let it. This is the biggest mistake we all make at one time or another, we forget we have the choice to use our mind to our personal advantage.
My mind has been my enemy of late. Actually its been worse than an enemy, because instead of sabotaging me and giving me the opportunity to turn things around, it just decided to give me the silent treatment. I couldn't tap into my positive because my mind was not answering me - it had completley shunned me, broken down and left the party. I can't tell you how frustrated i have been. So where does that leave me with comp prep? Well im still in the game. Despite my ups and downs, i have still made really good gains over the last couple of weeks. g
The biggest question I get asked by friends, family and clients - 'are you on track?'...the answer is 'you better believe it!'.
Im holding a lot of fluid at present due to my elevated cortisol levels, but this will start to come down as i get mentally back on track.
So all of this has had me questioning things of late. Ive had a very stressful few weeks with events leaving me wondering what is important in life. What do I want out of life? Well i want to be fit and healthy, thats important - BUT i really want a better balance, something that comps will, and never can, give me. So after this years comps it will be a long time, if ever, before i compete again. I want to show clients and friends and family, that you dont have to compete to be a picture of strength and focus. I will hopefully continue to prep other girls for the stage, because i love the industry, but my body and my mind need a break.
The other thing that has become apparent to me just recently, is that having a family with my husband is so important to both of us. I recently turned 33, and although thats still relatively young, for child bearing, its not. I already suffer from Endometriosis and PCOS so my chances of having children is already limited and my chances of miscarriage are almost doubled...
So as part of this plan to rebalance my life I am back on fertility drugs to help 'the situation'!! Ok, so the downside is that fertility drugs and comp prep kind of dont go hand in hand - but its a risk im willing to take (to not get to the stage that is). I refuse to put that part of my life on hold any longer.
In having re-addressed this balance, im feeling calmer, happier and in control.
I have lots to look forward to in the coming months, i just dont know what it will consist of yet! Hmmm ive always loved a good surprise!
So what else has been going on? Well like i said i recently turned 33 and to celebrate Mick organised a surprise dinner for me...with a bunch of our closest friends! I rocked up to dinner thinking it was just Mick and I and surprise surprise there was a group of smiling faces there to greet us! It was wonderful and i thank all of you that were there from the bottom of my heart.
In other news Mick is currently doing a stint of personal training for....ROYALTY!!! No, im not joking! I cant say too much, but they are living at the Crown Casino for the next 4 weeks and wanted a PT for 5 nights a week whilst there here. Mick got the job, which he deserves because lets face it, he has earnt his well respected title of best PT after 12 years in the industry! Im very proud of him. He is chuffed that he is rubbing shoulders with people worth BILLIONs (no not kidding about that either!) and is learning very quickly that even though he does a PT session surrounded by body guards and has to refer to his client as Sir, that really they are just regular people who are easy to talk to. Oh and the money ROCKS! Ok thats really all i can say about that!
Alright im off to smash my legs people, so keep exercising, eating clean with the occasional treat and takes less muscles than frowning! xx

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

60 days...not that im counting or anything..

Yes so we start the descent...thank god. Im not goning to lie - this prep has been a biatch with PMS and a bad attitude. Let me explain. Since i competed last July in the INBA, I have wanted to compete again. I was really bummed that i never got around to competing in october last year - hey i was too busy eating.
My prep last year was tough, i had to try and build muscle, that i didnt have, and then try and trim all the fat, which i had a lot of, in 15 short weeks. It was a slow form of torture at times. At 15 weeks out i STARTED on 2 hours of cardio a day with weights chucked in!! I built up to 3 hours very quickly, and so my day consisted of 4hrs of workouts. So by the time i competed in July, the thought of having to maintain my physique for another 8-12 weeks for sept/oct comps had me convulsing. All i wanted to do was stay away from the gym, eat and socialise - something i hadnt done for 4 months.
I vowed then, that I would compete in the start of the year comps for 2011. Xmas came and went, new years came and went, and everytime i thought of having to cook up a batch of brocolli, chicken and sweet potato, i became panic stricken and ill at the thought - not a good sign. It just so happened too that my coaches were moving out of the area - and everything just felt off. So fast forward to April and i felt things coming together a bit more. I actually felt like prepping agaain and so i went in search of uber coach extrodinaire. Mega fail. Sometimes this industry can be chock full of egotistical d!ck wads - and boy of boy did i meet a couple in my search for the perfect coach.
I finally found Rosa, who in the end turned out to be a complete flop for me. A coach is supposed to be supportive, motivating and inspiring. I found myself completly unsupported and unmotivated, which is when Glenn (my uber coach) came back into the picture and put me back on track.
Long story short - i feel like i have been treading water with this prep for so long. I have been prepping for AGES, with little results because the fit wasnt right. Now with 8 weeks until the Canberra State Titles im pleased to say for the last 5 or so weeks i have been on fire with my prep and im finally seeing results.
My weight is slowly dropping, my body fat is really dropping now and im starting to feel lean and very much in control.
I was really tired last week, and i just feel amazing this week and am still pumping out the same weights as last week. Win! This means that whilst i still need to get super lean with any prep, maybe i will look more muscular this time round, i really hope so. I also havent had to do any more cardio than my 45 mins before breakfast and 30 mins in the afternoon (walking home from work usually knocks that on its head anyway). This may seem like a lot to some of you out there - trust me, this is a walk in the park!
So the 60 day count down is on and i intend to give it my all.
This weekend marks my 33rd birthday. Argghhh bummer. I hate getting older, and usually it means bday cake...Glenn thought i was kidding when i asked if it was still ok to have a bday cake. What? So sue me for asking.
Anyway, Michael is taking me out to a 'Glenn approved' restaurant that will do plain steak and green beans for me. Yaaaaa. Yep, thats sarcasm people. I will be indulging inn a little something, maybe a sliver of cake or share a dessert with Mick, and only because i have had a good drop this week in weight and body fat. Its all about balance.
So there you have it, my prep is on the downhill run and im excited to see the results that have already started to come. Bring on Sept 18th!
Til next time...xx

Friday, July 8, 2011

Did someone say tupperware?

I get a lot of people asking me how it is i can be so organised to eat up to 8 meals a day. Well i believe the time spent in the kitchen prepping clean meals is JUST as important as yout time spent in the gym lifting heavy. Ok, truth is, id much rather be in the gym lifting than cooking my meals - but its all part of the process with competing. So here is what it looks like in our kitchen every 4 days....

Yes, that is 20 containers...4 days worth of brocolli, chicken, rice, sweet potato and a couple of other bland things. Being prepared like this, is half the battle of prep and something most people are not willing to do - hence the small amount of competitors each year!
So today I had a session with my coach Glenn. Glenn is a maniac. Glenn makes me do things that i would never have dreamt possible. Case in point, i did 140kg leg press this afternoon. That is 2 of me plus my dog Niko - and Niko is not slim. Sorry Niko.
At one stage i had Glenn on one side spotting me and Michael on the know your in serious trouble when u have 2 big boys spotting u! I thought i might throw up, or cry, or scream at Glenn - or possibly all 3 all at once...hmmm tricky. But i love it. I love to train heavy. I love the ache in my legs for days afterwards, and more importantly, i love how it makes my legs look on stage when i have stripped off the fat!
So prep is going awesome. I have put all my demons to rest and am not playing anymore. No one can do this but me, im in the right mindset - i know what to expect with prep so im mentally prepared when the going gets tough - and boy oh boy does it get tough...BUT you will never see me bitchy or narky or miserable in the gym. Oh tired for sure, no question. But never moody. I think being in contest prep and being moody has got a bad reputation. Clients say to me all the time 'oh poor Michael, your in prep, he better get used to the mood swings huh?!!".
Ummmm no actually, i dont allow myself to be aggressive, moody, bitchy or disrespectful of people just because im in prep and short on carbs. If you walk around moody all day, then you probably should think about partaking in a different sport. I think people tend to give themselves a hall pass cos their in prep. Well i dont think that way at all. Check your attitude at the door people - u choose how you behave, carbs or no carbs.
So im plugging away, making great progress and enjoying the process again. I love the support i get from my coach glenn, my husband, the trainers at our studio and the clients - so thanku all!
Oh surprise surprise its nearly time to eat again...til next time...xx

Monday, July 4, 2011

Bikinis and stripper heels...yes this is a sport

So the days are ticking over in my comp prep - in a good way. Things have finally clicked into place for me and im in that zone where i dont have to think about it - i just DO it. This, people, makes prep a breeze. The mental challenge with prep is trying to convince yourself, sometimes on an hourly basis, that you can keep going and you want to keep prepping. When things finally click into place mentally, its just easier.
So im about 11 weeks out to my first show in canberra and about 12 weeks out to my other comps on the central coast, sydney and melbourne. So we all know what that means...its bikini time!!!!
This is the equivalent to going wedding dress shopping - no, im not joking. So much thought and effort has to go into the stage bikini, because it can make you or break you. A bad colour or fit can make all those months of prepping a waste of time and effort. A good bikini can make the difference to placing in the competition. So this year im opting to go with the legendary Jo Rogers. Jo has been making bikinis for competitors for ever, and knows how a bikini should fit. Last year i opted for a fairly neutral bikini, bronze and gold colours. This year im going for something with a lot more dazzle and bling. But of course - you will have to wait to come see me, or photos for the big reveal! But let me say this - its GORGEOUS!
Im starting to feel a little fatigued this week, although im still trying to build my legs, im also in the process of dropping macros and calories, so the body has to work harder on less food.
Im starting to see the fruits of my labour...finally. Im in a much better position this far out than i was last year, so i should bring a much better physique to the stage this year - thats all i can hope for.
All my measurements are coming down and fat percentage is also steadily dropping. My posing is also getting much better, and im hitting some of the poses now with very little effort - win! To get on stage and be able to hit poses quickly and effortlessly is half the battle.
All in all, everything has dropped into place and im feeling strong and happy. I owe alot of this to my coach Glenn... he keeps me focused and calm, something a good coach should do at all times through prep.
Went to the INBA All females on saturday night - wow what an inspiration. Last year i was on stage not knowing what the hell i was doing! Now i can look at it from another perspective and see the areas i need to work on. All the girls looked amazing and there all winners just for getting up on stage. It has inspired me to do better still and I cant wait to step up on that stage again.
Ok im off to eat so keeping training hard and eating clean xx

Friday, June 24, 2011

Its go time

I have been a bad blogger...normally I like to blog once a week or more and it just hasn't been happening *sigh*. I will attempt to be a better blogger from here on in.
So what has been happening? Well, I finally found my mojo. It appears it had taken a much needed holiday to Torquay and had forgotten to let me know. Ok let me explain...
Last year when i was prepping for comp, i was in the zone. I was focused, i was mentally strong - nothing was going to get in my way of stepping up on stage. You could literally (and Michael often did) sit in front of me and eat a burger and a chocolate bar and I would not even think of cheating. This prep though has been completely overwhelming, stressful and emotionally draining. I have been sick, unmotivated, uninspired and generally not really wanting to compete. I thought I was going crazy, and I was getting really down about it. I was waiting for it all to click and it just wasnt...
Over the weekend Michael and I took a much needed break to our favourite place on earth - Toruay. It was also going to be an opportunity for us to catch up with my old coach Glenn who has recently moved to geelong and opened up his own supplement store 'Athletes with Attitude'. We wandered in to Glenns store, he took one look at me and said - whats going on with your prep? Ahhhh yes prep...
Glenn instantly saw my lack of fire and wanted to know why after I had achieved so much with my last prep with him, i was unable to do the same this time around.
Over lunch Glenn made me an offer i couldnt refuse. He offered to coach me - once again for free - because of one simple reason. He believes in me.
Its been obvious that my new coach just hasnt offered me the support i have needed to move forward in this sport. So as of Tuesday i have once again been under the reigns of my old coach - and loving it.
My passion for the sport is back, my desire to succeed is back and now i have 13 weeks to bring my body in for late sept comps. Bring it.
This whole thing has taught me a lot about this sport. You dont need the perfect program or the perfect coach on paper - you need to be INSPIRED by your coach and surround yourself with others who have a passion for bodybuilding. Glenn oozes bodybuilding, he lives and breathes it. He instills that very same desire in myself - he wants success for me as badly as i want it for myself.
Im finally excited about comp season, and Im even booked in next week to see helen my bikini lady to splurge on a new stage bikini with lots of bling!
So what does this next stage mean for me? Well this is go time, this is when you will start to see me lean out and be able to show all the muscle i have been working so hard to get. I will be upping the anti in terms of cardio and my food becomes blander. This is, despite how it sounds, the best part of prep. This is where you start to see all the hard work pay off.
On that note im off to eat my rice, chicken and avocado YUM! (and i genuinely mean that!)
Til next time xx

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Changing the mindset

Ooohh how cold is it at the moment? I do believe that Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) does exist. I think i suffer from it. I know others that do too. Its when the seasons shift and change and we have to find that balance of adjusting to colder weather, less sunlight and trying not to comfort ourselves with food.
I have always been a comfort eater. I eat when im happy, sad, nervous, bored - you get the picture. I have had to teach myself over the years that if I am going to eat for comfort then i need to make better food choices. I tend now to reach for herbal Tea in the colder months. It has a soothing and comforting effect without the calories. Win! I have had a real battle on my hands of late though because im recovering from a chest infection AND battling SAD! So my supply of herbal teas has taken over our house and the Studio!
For those of you that have been asking, yes i am 100% now and fighting fit (finally) and YES I am still competing. I had to have 2 weeks off to let my body fully recover, and although that was important to do - 2 weeks is a long time when we are talkign about comp prep. Its 2 weeks i have lost and now have to work harder to make up.
Because of all of this i have been left feeling a bit flat, a bit blah, and not particularly excited about prep the way I should be. I made a concious decision yesterday that I was done feeling sorry for myself. Its really that simple. Ok i have been sick and ive lost valuable prep time - now its time to move forward and blow the next 15 weeks out of the water.
Its all about changing your mindset.
So in order to help me along the way I have invested in some meditation/hypnosis downloads from a very famous Professional Figure Competitor Nancy Georges. Its very common for elite athletes to be taken through professional visualisation techniques before their games/events - and this is the same. Nancy's series is called the Competitve Edge for Figure Competitors, and im really intrigued to see how I find the visualisation. For those of you that dont know, i have a background in Pyschology and a Degree in Social Work and used to work as a therapist. I used alot of NLP (neurolinguistic Programming) with my clients back in the day - i guess now its my turn!
I love that Michael is so supportive of all my crazy ideas - even if he does tease me about this particular one!
So tomorrow my prep shifts into a slightly different gear. Im almost done with my bulking stage, and I have built some good muscle. The next few weeks will see my carb content drop gradually so as to not stress my body. Im actually now ready for this - i want to start seeing all the muscle i have built!!
The next couple of months will also see me working very hard at my posing routines. Its an area i really lacked in last time on stage and i intend to rectify that this time round. To know how to pose equals confidence on stage - something that hours at the gym simply cant provide.
Well thats it for today. I promise to keep you all updated on my progress from here. ill also be posting progress shots soon....
til next time xx

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Water logged

Well I am finally nearly over this pesky chest infection. For all those of you that have been asking after me and sending me messages - thankyou! Its been a long week, in fact it has felt like 4 weeks! The time has been ticking away ever so slowly as i laid in bed feeling sorry for myself and keeping my poor husband up at night with my coughing.
Actually one morning i wandered upstairs to find Michael crashed out on the couch. I have no idea how long he had been there - i wondered what un godly time in the morning he had moved himself upstairs onto the couch instead of smothering me to death with my own pillow. Poor guy - he had obviously had zilch sleep because as i quizzed him over the sleeping on the couch - he looked just as confused and dazed as i was responding 'on the couch?' looking at himself curled up in a ball, and muttering something about 'not sure' and 'i dunno'. Its been a long week.
Enough said.
So here I am puffy and water logged, runny nose and chesty cough and i feel soooo much better than i have in days! I have been drinking water like it might dry up at any given moment, and as a result - i can hear the ocean when i move. Hmmm nice huh?
It is true though - drinking water is so important when your unwell. It just flushes everything out. But the result is often that you look more puffy for a little while until it filters through. Ahhhh who am i kidding? The puffiness is also from the huge quantities of sugar I have been ingesting.
Ok before you panic (trust me, i beat you to it) it has not just been refined sugar. Actually it has mainly been natural sugar from fruits. However people - this reacts the same way in your system if you have enough of it. The result is quite simply, weight gain.
I made myself a promise to give my body whatever it craved this last week. So i have been eating apples, dates, almonds (ok so it was the coles tiramisu flavoured ones, so sue me), cereal, milk, yoghurt and wholegrain bread with peanut butter. These are foods I would never normally touch. Why u ask? Cos they make me fat. But there are certain things in each of these foods that my body has needed and required to heal. It has been hard to relinquish control and just go with it, but that being said, i start my prep on Monday.
Monday is the day I jump back into my comp prep. Its going to be hard. Its like starting from scratch, not an easy thought to get my head around. But i have big goals i want to achieve this year and they all require i look and feel my best. With this in mind, it makes my prep alot easier.
Since being at home and unwell, it has given me a great opportunity to get a lot of work done on my new business venture. Im really excited about it and all will b e revealed in time...
So expect to see me back and training as of monday, maybe with a little less intensity to begin with but hey it will be a start.
Til next time
Train hard, keep focused and eat clean

Saturday, May 28, 2011

When to fight and when to back down...

Well I never said that comp prep was easy - did I? Things had been going pretty well and then a couple of weeks ago, i felt my mind starting to shut down, followed closely by my body. I couldn't figure out why, since i was starting to come in well (thats code for losing fat people..heheh!) i was starting to feel a little laclustre about my training.
Seems that it was because, although I thought i was losing my mind, it was actually my body trying desperately to fight off an infection.
Im sure a lot of youo are thinking to yourselves, well why if you were feeling a bit off didnt you just give yourself some time off from the gym and a bit of a rest? Its a good and very valid question, but heres why. When your in comp prep, it is very difficult to ascertain when you are feeling unwell, and when you are feeling like, well, you're in comp prep! Both have pretty similar symptoms some know fatigued, over it, sore etc etc.
So on Wednesday, I was done. I felt like crap, i was feverish and i was craving fruit and cereal like a possessed woman. I emailed Rosa my coach and told her what was going on. I fully expected her to tell me to harden up and get on with things, however her message was short and clear. Stop. Stop the dieting. Stop the training. rest. Get better. DO NOT diet or step into the gym for 2 weeks...ummmm say what Rosa??? I found myself staring at the computer screen in shock. Shit - i shouldnt have told her i was unwell. Then the tears. What was I going to do for the next nearly 2 weeks?? I thrive on structure, i LIKE dieting - not always, but for what it produces, i love it. I LOVE training. I was freaking out.
I rang Michael...ever the drama queen, i told him to brace himslef. As I screeched into the phone my news from Rosa - i could almost hear Michael smile. Michael had been trying to tell me to have a couple of days rest, im still a long way out from my first comp and im doing well - 2 days wasnt going to hurt. Now it had turned into 2 weeks... I was annoyed, angry and scared. Scared that this was going to throw me off track completely.
I let myself sit with this news for a good 24hrs before i replied to my coach. I was in bargaining mode. What did she think about giving it until monday and then i would see how i was feeling? She made it clear Tuesday was acceptable to her - as long as i was 100%.
So here I am feeling a little out of sorts. No weights, no treadmill, no diet. Oh but what i DO have is a chest infection, a headache and a runny nose. yaaaa. Thats sarcasm for those of you wondering.
Im ok with it now though - no point trying to fight it. My body is really sick, and I need to give in so that it can get better and work with me for the next 16 weeks until my first comp. Im on antibiotics so fingers crossed ill be right to go in a few days...
This has been a big lesson for me. I need to be far more in tune with my body. It has been trying to tell me something and I havent been listening. this goes for all of you out there also - listen to your body, learn fromm it, so it can produce the results you want.
On that note, im off to bed xx

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mini meltdowns, Canberra and stuff

Apologies for the delay in the delivery of my latest blog...ive been far too busy having meltdowns to be writing blogs... oh i jest i jest, it hasn't been that bad.
Ok so I had a bad week last week. I felt flat physically and unfortunately that always transpires into mental weakness for me. I never stray off plan but i am a slave to negative self talk and often doubt.
Ask any athlete, any figure competitor and i challenge you to find one of them that says this doesnt happen to them. It's common, because in order to get where we want to be, you have to push yourself and that's not always easy. Its also difficult at times because especially in my sport, its all about how you look - not necessarily how you perform. Sometimes I lose all perspective on how I look. Last week I lost perspective.
I was frustrated, annoyed at the snails pace progress. Angry at my body for not getting it's shit together. Getting the picture? Not pretty.
So i had my hissy fit, and reluctantly sent my progress pics and stats to my coach Rosa. Within a couple of hours, Rosa had emailed back just how pleased she was at my progress and that I was more than on track... ahhhh thank god for coaches.
She also changed my program around, changed my food and my workouts. The monotony of the same food and same workouts for 6 weeks was starting to take its toll. But people, when the trainers here talk about consistency - its for a reason. It breeds results.
So now although im on slightly less food and calories, it's at least different variations of what I have been having. My food now also involves plain rice cakes which I adore - call me crazy!
I went off to Canberra on saturday to visit my best friend, lovingly referred to as 'Katie Bubble' due to the fact that she lives in her own little happy bubble and never ceases to make me smile. It was going to be a challenge for me, because when KT and i are together - we like to eat. Mainly chocolate....oh dear...
My coach had given me some scope to have a cheat meal and a dessert - i took her up on that! I had a great weekend, the highlight being when KT asked me, as I was preparing snow peas and salmon for our dinner, if when snow peas are cooked - do they shrink in size...ummm no KT they don't. Gold.
So today I started my new program. Its operation lean down legs! I have built good muscle so now its time to get rid of the fat. My sessions involve lighter weights on my legs but very high repittions - up to 50 reps in some cases. Im excited, i feel great this week and im looking forward to some good progress. Im currently sitting somewhere between 17-18% body fat. I have 18 weeks to get rid of 8 of those. Completely achievable.
Oh and watch this space for some very exciting news regarding my nutrition business. Its something I have been working very hard on in the wings and it will be time to unveil very very soon...
Til then...well u know the drill!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I can't be held responsible for my behaviour.

So yesterday was just one of those days. You know what I'm talking about people - those days that feel like they are never going to end and everything seems to go, well pear shaped. Its days like this, whilst comp prepping, that you wonder how you (or the people around you) make it out alive. Its these days that I am thankful Michael is so supportive of the Sport I have chosen - because if he wasn't he would be far far away by now of his OWN volition.
I tend to split my days into 2, this is especially useful whilst comp prepping. I come into the studio in the morning, do my workout and stay until 1pm when i go home and eat, and then head back in around 3pm to do the evening shift. So yesterday I headed home to have my chicken and sweet potato - I was starving, and im not going to lie, a tad irritable. Within 5 minutes of stepping into our house, the power went out.
Now, i have a small window of opportunity to eat - my timimgs need to be spot on or it throws out the rest of my day eating wise (yes yes welcome to the nutty world of body building). So after a frantic 20 minutes of attempting to get a hold of Michael, with no luck, i found myself sitting on the couch feeling very sad and sorry for myself. Oh sure I could have had my chicken and sweet potato cold, but when you have fairly bland meals every day, the one excitement is the fact that its, well, hot.
I finally got in touch with Michael and found myself, quite literally, wailing on the phone that I couldnt eat and I was just going to eat 'whatever' i could find...the next thing i knew Michael was home, unplugging the microwave and carrying it down into the garage where he promptly plugged it in and voila - power!
It seemed the electricity company had sent our last bill to someone other than us - and surprise surprise they didnt pay it. So the power of our shared neighbours garage was still on...and that is the story of how Michael saves the day.
This whole time as I was freaking out it occured to me just how calm Michael stayed. He has seen this behaviour over food timings before...poor guy. We have left social outings early so i can get my food in, sometimes we have skipped the outing all together because the 4 hrs of exercise i need to fit in, wont happen if we go out.
It is at this point you're probably asking yourself why the hell would anyone want to compete? It's so all consuming, annoyingly cumbersome and anti social...there are days I ask myself the same question. yesterday was one of those days. These hiccups, these little roadblocks are what make the final step of standing up on stage so worth while - because the process is so darn hard it makes the end point rather momentous.
I'm not that far into my prep, only 4 weeks, many more weeks to go, and it just gets more challenging. Yesterday it wasn't fun. Today I'm fine. Tomorrow - who knows?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Whats your motivation?

I got to thinking over the weekend...what motivates me to compete? I get asked this question a lot. Not so much what motivates me but more like "why the hell would you want to do that?" ...But you get where im going with this.
I think in order to want to compete you have to have lots of incentive, forget willpower...its the motivation towards a particular goal that drives us to say no to that piece of chocolate. I dont beleive in will power. You either WANT something or you dont. Its really that simple.
For me, the motivation to compete comes from wanting to be the best I can be. I want to be extraordinary. Ive never followed the pack - why start now? So you might be thinking, oh she wants to be better than everyone else - well no, thats not it at all. For me, im not happy at my average self. Ive pushed my body to its limits - and i loved every minute of it. Im amazed every day at what i can get this 32 yr old body to do. Im motivated by the desire to be my very best, and for me, my very best is standing on stage in peak physical condition.
Ok so this isnt your goal or your desire? Doesnt matter. What DOES matter is the desire to be the best you, you can be.
I get a lot of girls saying to me, 'Oh i could never do what you do. I love food too much'...what and i dont? Trust me, i love my food as much as the next person. My desire to go beyond short term satisfaction of a meal in exchange for peak physical performance is more important when im training to compete. What you are really saying to me when you say i could never do that, is actually, that you dont want to do that - its not your goal - its not your desire. And thats fine...but find out what is before its too late to do anything about it...
Im more than human, my motivation wanes. And then i turn to inspiration to motivate me forwards. I look to other competitors who are plugging away, just like me, to get to the stage.
Im inspired by normal people achieveing amazing things. Simple things inspire me on a daily basis. Clients that come in and tell me they had a horrible day at work, they got no sleep the night before and have a raging headache - but have decided to train regardless of all these hurdles. Now thats inspiring - because you could have just gone home, but you chose not to. Clients that smash out personal bests on the rower, or Tom's crazy cross fit workouts - also inspire me. People that are losing weight following one of my programs, really inspire me. I could go on, but my point is this. Find out what YOUR motivation is and then go for it - don't let anything hold you back...ever.
Last week was an awesome week training wise for me. I felt strong and powerful and in control. I feel the same this week, possibly more so. Im embracing this comp prep because i know the changes to my body are going to be amazing - im excited for my future in this sport.
My cardio has been increased this week also. So now im doing 1hr per day as well as weights, and on sundays im doing an outside hardcore plyometrics workout on top of this which i love. My food has not changed much, slowly my macros are going down but at this stage im still on a good amount of food. Im dropping fat, my body fat % is dropping, and im sitting close to 18% at present. My weight has not changed much so thats good news, it means im retaining muscle. I have 2 weeks on this program with no changes and then its up to my coach to see how im going.
So thats it people, i hope you all are training to your maximum potential and feeding your body with fresh wonderful food - remember, look after your body, its the only one youve got.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You ate what?!

I have come to a rather amusing, yet somewhat frustrating conclusion. As soon as I start comp prep, everyone (and i mean everyone) wants to tell me what they ate that day.
Really people? Thank you for telling me you had the most delicious apple pie and dumplings for dinner last night. And by the way, it doesnt make anything better by then having you ask me what I ate last night...ummm my meals dont change. Ever. Well - I lie - they get smaller and less interesting.
Yesterday I counted. 5 people told me what delicious meal they had consumed. Im not being overly sensitive either - its really happening!
It got me thinking - why does this happen? I know its not out of trying to torture me (well not for everyone anyway!) i think its a subconcious decision by that person to want to share that food with me.
But heres a little secret...i choose to be a figure competitor. Im not tortured on a daily basis by the fact I cant eat chocolate or icecream or even an apple. Occasionaly, and often closer to comp date, yes i feel the sting of not being able to feed myself. But generally I have a goal in mind and nothing bothers me and nothing can get in my way. What I have found is that it bothers OTHERS.
Heres an example. Recently we went to dinner for a staff members birthday. It was a great evening. I tried to order my salmon, which they wouldnt do (what restaurant doesnt do salmon??) anyway i opted for their fish of the day that arrived on a mountain of potato wedges. I literally had to 'fish' through my fish to find meat in amoungst the offending potato.
Then I turned to the waitress and asked for green beans - with NOTHING on them. She looked at me like I had just suggested giving her a chinese burn and repeated me with confusion..."nothing??". I nodded, 'yes please, nothing'. Her reply... "nothing at all?". Sigh. "yes nothing. At all. Plain. Green beans with nothing...thanku'. As she turned away, clearly offended by my need to have un seasoned beans, i noticed Michael next to me, killing himself with giggles. He's used to this stupid dance with waiters i have to go through.
This is what bodybuilders and figure competitors go through - and this is why we tend to opt out of social dinners - its just too hard!
So as i sit down to my salmon and beans tonight, i hope you enjoy whatever meal it is your having. Just do me a favour...dont tell me all about it tomorrow!
Til next time...xx

Friday, April 22, 2011

Last years comp in pictures...

Ok, so these are pictures from the morning before my comp last July, just after the comp with my cheer squad (u guys know who u are and I will always be grateful for your support xx), on stage and at the after party at the studio.
A lot of you ask to see pictures, so here you are...enjoy!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ummm do you eat chocolate at Easter?

This seems to be my most asked question at this time of year. I can see why it would be intriguing - its Easter, doesn't everyone eat chocolate at Easter time? I can almost hear the mass gasps of shock as i describe my last Easter festivities. Ok for those of you that didnt follow my last blog of prepping, let me indulge you in the horrors.
This time last year I was well and truly into prep for July competitions. As it happened my coaches thought it would be a good time for me to do a trial water load and deplete. A water load and deplete is simply a manipulation of food and water to rid your body of excess fluid so that your skin becomes tight and your muscles look, well bigger.
For 5 days straight I ate sweet potato and chicken. After the 3rd day i gave up trying to peel the sweet potato into interesting shapes or position the food on my plate to make it look more palatable. I felt bad for Michael too, who, on day 4 decided to escape the 'mad house' and left quickly only to return 3 hrs later smelling of pub food and looking decidly sheepish.
That was my Easter 2010. No chocolate, no hot cross buns, no Easter sunday lunch - just a well entrenched gag response to orange vegetables and boiled bird.
So this year things are a little different. I have been given a re-feed day by my coach on Sunday (thanks Kate and Ren for hosting Easter lunch!)and although its designed to be a calorie increase through clean foods like potatoes and pasta - i am people, giving myself a chocolate hall pass. So in answer to my blog title. Yes, i will be eating chocolate this Easter.
Prep is going well. Im 3 weeks down and building the muscle i need to be competitive this year. My food intake is still high, which is what i need to get through my punishing weight sessions and overall i feel good. Theres the occasional day I feel a bit wiped but its nothing in comparison to whats to come - so i try to ignore it.
Tomorrow, is weigh in day. When i say weigh in, i really mean body fat percentage and girths - weight, well, scale weight = pretty irrelevant when your building muscle (girls take note). At present I am 19% body fat and come July or september, i need to be between 8 and 10%. My main concern at present is to retain and build muscle and body fat reduction is purely a bonus. I will be posting progression picks in weeks to come so watch this space...
Happy Easter everyone. Enjoy your time off and remember to balance out the chocolate with some exercise...and no, lifting the chocolate to your mouth does not count. xx

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Freak vs Athlete

What do you consider constitues an athlete? Someone fit, healthy, dynamic, focused, driven...? I think of all these things when i think about an athlete. I consider myself now to be all of those things...and yet as a Figure competitor sometimes my Sport is questioned. But why? Like someone training for a marathon i train alot, consistently and with great intensity. I watch my nutrition meticulously - i eat a lot and regularly. I consume supplements to keep me training hard - even when my mind is telling me to stop. I become a social hermit because i know i need my rest for the next training day. I want to be the best that i can be and so stopping isn't an option and intense focus is a necessity.
So because i wear a bikini and heels, and not sneakers, on the day of my event - does that make me a freak and a little less an athlete?...
This got me thinking the other day when a client (who i adore - u know who u are!) said she supported me but just couldn't bring herself to come to my competition because it was, well, weird. Ok, ill cop that. The events themselves are a bit confronting. Tiny, hardened, muscular bronzed statues wandering around in a carb depleted fog, well, yea that is weird.
But i guarentee you the desire to go into that event and dominate is the same whether youre a runner, a tennis player or a bodybuilder. The mindset is the same - the exterior is a just a little different.
Somedays i actually get off on telling people what i do. When im feeling particulaly restless and cheeky, ill go into all the ins and outs of my sport just to see the 'Ooohhh' form on peoples mouths and the obvious raise of the eyebrows as they try and work out exactly what bodybuilding is and why i would want to do it. Other days - i can't be bothered going into the intricacies of the world of Bodybuilding. Most days, I'm ambivilent either way. For me, its just a Sport, and keeping fit all year round is a lifestyle choice.
Today was leg day from hell. Im 2 weeks into prep and today thanks to this workout im sore already (DOMS are not going to be funny in 12 hours time..)and hungry as all get out, and im tired. I know tomorrow im going to be in all sorts of sore muscle trouble, ill still be hungry and possibly even more tired than I am right now. And you know what? I'll do it all over again tomorrow because i love what i do.
Til next time xx

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Its that time of year again...

Well it has been a very long time between blogs! The last time i blogged i was telling you all about my result at the INBA All Female Competition in July last year. Oh my how time flies.
So what has been happening since then...well of course I have caught the 'bug' and have decided to focus my energy on competing again this year.
Last year i had the pleasure of working with Glenn and Corina from ASN and as my coaches and friends - they rocked. They were so dedicated to getting me where i needed to be to step up on stage. I will be forever grateful. They taught me that consistency and hard work does pay off. Yes people - its true. Dont talk to me about not getting results if you're not training hard, training consistently and eating clean.
So post comp came the blues and the inevitable weight gain. On stage i was a tiny 48kgs. Weight gain? Yes, it had to happen. I was wandering around looking like i would be blown over with the slightest gush of wind. One of my staff (you know who you are..!) commented to me the other day that when i was 1 or 2 weeks out from comp he came into the studio and wondered who the jockey was. Hmmm, the jockey, as it turns out, was me.
I also suffered a lot of illness post comp, no doubt due to the riggers of getting into comp shape. It appears I suffer from adrenal fatigue and so this has been tricky to balance, as someone who wants to continue to train hard, whether im competing or not. The idea was to start prepping in january to do some early comps, but my body wasn't having a bar of it. I was fatigued, i hated the idea of training, and frankly i wanted to eat. Everything.
So as it turned out my wonderful coaches were changing the direction of their own lives and now Corina has moved back to sydney and Glenn has opened his own supplement store in Geelong called 'Athletes With Attitude' or AWA. Im still great mates with them both and miss them dearly...
The hunt then, was on for a new coach. This would prove trickier than first thought. After a couple of speed bumps I found the most amazing coach anyone could ask for. Rosa-Maria Romero is the highest ranked figure competitor in Australia currently and although she has now retired from competing, she coaches girls to the stage. Perfect!
Rosa takes a very different approach than what im used to - and as she said to me the other day, change is good. I agree, change IS good.
I am currently aiming for All Females again in July, however realisticially my first comp may well be in september. Either way, i know im in good hands to build the best physique possible.
Now people please be sensitive to the stages of building an amazing stage physique. I will get bigger before i get smaller. Its all part of building amazing muscle. Yes yes i know chunky monkey comes to mind, but if it comes to YOUR mind - dont let ME know. Some things are best kept quiet...!
So other than not being able to walk straight from all the legs i have done this week, things are going well. I am approximately 17 weeks out from July comps and 23 weeks out from sept comps... lets hope i start building some more amazing muscle.
Til next blog train hard and eat clean xx